Creative Consultant
Podcast Host
Global Ambassador

Uniting the world through artful conversations.

Global Podcast Gallery | 360 Diversity

Lance Werner

Robin Kimball Eisenbeis

Jennifer Johnson

Joe Matthews

Misla Barco

Ekta Rajgarhia

Jon Covington

Rebekah Bakker

About Meena

Meena Ariagno is Principal of Meena Ariagno Consulting LLC, a creative conversations consultancy based in Michigan. Meena’s professional life and career focus on social impact, cultural education, and community betterment work. Her newest project, Eavesdrop with Meena® is a global peoples podcast celebrating talent diversity from around the world. Meena is a highly curated, ethically sourced modern nomad from India, East Africa, United Kingdom, and United States on a global eavesdrop mission. 

Amplifying America’s Promise

Global voices highlighting diverse immigrant life stories and cultural perspectives from around the world.